PLATINUM99™ 陶瓷 高性能太阳能薄膜
安装在超过 8,000++ 辆汽车–从简陋的日常驾驶到超级跑车!
想象一下,再也没有灼热的阳光、闷热的座椅和汗流浃背的后背了 … 发现 最受欢迎的 必备 最高 影响、 车辆 升级 适合炎热潮湿的新加坡所有驾驶员
合法上路、高级抗热和 99% 防紫外线功能
2018 ~2025 最畅销、紫外线阻隔率达 99%、最高级别的红外线热屏蔽系统
了解为什么2500 多名车主给予它 97%+ 的满意度(⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐),是最物有所值的选择。
99% 紫外线防护

8 年屡获殊荣的安装人员

2012 年、2013 年、2014 年、2015 年、2016 年、2017 年、2018 年、2019 年和 2020 年8 年星级商户奖获得者

极其注重细节 我们定制测量和剪裁,以达到完美契合

工艺 与产品本身同等重要




PLATINUM99 高性能陶瓷太阳膜的特点
99% 的紫外线和 IRR 防护
LTA 认证–无忧拥有
7 年质量保证和安装保证
2 小时安装
符合 LTA 标准的薄膜 可放心通过 LTA 检查
INFRATINT 的薄膜在美国开发并经过严格测试,专为亚洲的灼热和潮湿天气定制开发,采用高度耐用的复合材料制成,具有卓越的清晰度和减热性能。
我们的贴膜系列不仅能有效减少车厢内的热量,还通过了 LTA 认证,可以通过定期检查。
我们的薄膜不会影响任何现有设备。 可传输至所有道路系统设备,包括快速通道、SmartTAG、ERP 等。
通常平均不到 2 个小时就能完成车辆检测。 我们的专家团队专注于车辆的每一个部位,确保每一个部位都能在第一时间得到正确、完美的处理。
在发生非法闯入或意外事故时,使用我们的胶片来增强安全性,保护自己和亲人的安全。 我们的贴膜可减少玻璃在受到猛烈撞击时的破碎,并具有抗划伤性。
7 年安心保修
我们的铂金和 PLATINUM99 陶瓷贴膜系列质保期为 7 年。 保修范围包括起泡、气泡、开裂、分层、褪色、变色、剥落和脱金属。
超过 14 年的实践经验
自 2004 年以来的 14 年间,我们为超过 25,000 辆汽车进行了安装,积累了丰富的实践经验和独到见解。 我们的内部专家团队每人至少拥有 7 年的工作经验。
– 与斯巴鲁 Eyesight 兼容

为什么选择 Infratint 而不是其他竞争对手?
优质工艺和对细节 的极度 关注 是第一位 的 – 我们在安装方面是狂热分子,第一次就能把事情做对。 我们不会偷工减料或妥协–如果没有达到我们的标准,我们会重新做。
我们只开发和使用最高质量的太阳膜–虽然这不是最便宜的选择,但我们真正相信使用的产品是有效的、 l 在新加坡恶劣的气候条件下仍能经久耐用,并具有极高的防热效率
我们 只 专注于窗膜和 安装,不提供其他服务(如汽车贴膜等)。 虽然这限制了我们的服务范围,但却大大提高了安装的整体质量和太阳膜安装的针对性。
对复杂和敏感设备(尤其是昂贵车辆的电子模块)所面临的技术挑战有深刻的理解和自信的专业知识 。
我们采取积极主动的 预防措施 在安装过程之前,我们会采取积极的预防措施和流程来保护您的内饰、饰件和车辆的特定部分。
自 2005 年以来的 15 年中,我们已为超过25,000 辆汽车安装了着色系统,其中包括普通的日常驾驶汽车、家用 MPV、商用车辆以及高端豪华车和超级跑车 (价格超过 180 万新元)。
连续 8 年被评为 SGCarMart “明星商家 “窗膜类冠军。 我们是 唯一一家连续 8 年获此殊荣的 太阳能薄膜和着色供应商。
- 专业电影摄制组–每人至少 7 年经验
- 专用密封空调安装车位(2 辆车)
- 全面监控工作场所,确保质量控制和安全
- 根据要求提供薄膜色调%测量读数
- 提供天窗保护服务
- 提供防眩光保护服务
- 不使用诱饵战术,不胡乱声称或过度承诺
- 无忧 LTA 检查和认证礼宾服务(可根据要求提供)

全面监控的场所 – 用于安装质量控制和安全
经 LTA 批准并符合标准
提供 PLATINUM 和 PLATINUM99 系列 “透明 “版本 – 保证通过所有监管要求。

极致清晰 – 内部视图
PLATINUM 和 PLATINUM99 系列的 “深色 “版本还可增强隐私性。

配备 PLATINUM99 陶瓷 “深色 “版的保时捷卡宴

阿斯顿-马丁 PLATINUM99 陶瓷 “深色 “版

配备 PLATINUM99 陶瓷 “深色 “版的宝马 5 系

配备 PLATINUM99 陶瓷 “深色 “版的宝马 5 系

配备 PLATINUM99 陶瓷 “深色 “版的宾利欧陆 GT

配备 PLATINUM99 陶瓷 “深色 “版的奥迪 Q8
在我们的 3,000 多辆汽车的 Facebook 相册 .
来自 Facebook 的部分客户反馈

Facebook 评论

SGCarMart 平均客户评论(基于 70 位评论者)
如果您对我们如何为客户的汽车安装汽车太阳膜感兴趣,下面是一个快速的步骤和概述。 在下面这个例子中,我们展示了如何在汽车挡风玻璃上安装太阳膜。 同样的步骤一般适用于车辆的其余车窗。
在安装玻璃膜时,我们始终建议您找专业的安装人员或服务提供商。 这项工作看似简单,但要做得出色,还需要一双巧手和丰富的经验!
We are very grateful and humbled by the reviews and testimonials that our customers have left for us over the many years.
Be sure to read more reviews and feedback left on the following platforms.
Explained in details on the type of films available. Its has been 4 days since i have it installed and the interior does not feel hot after long hours of parking in the sun. – Peter Seow
I would like to recommend infratint, they are professional, fast and very punctual and will finish within the time they give. After doing the film the car feel more cooler inside and no more scorching sun. Thanks Sherman and team keep up the good work. – Andy Khoo
They are really a bunch of professionals from the way they worked with at least 2-3 staffs working on one car. They leave no spots untouched and are very detailed on their job. They showed patience towards their job and you can really feel assured as they will produce the finest job with a satisfying finishing touch to your car. A nice and cozy environment with soothing music to relax while waiting for your car. Quality is really value for money and it’s really worth the wait even if there are many cars in the queue. Thumbs up guys for the great and satisfying work. Will definitely strongly recommend to my friends and to those who are reading this. – Stedman Lee
Friendly staff. Good service and a job well done. Now my car is a lot more cooler than before. – Goh Hung Pin
Manage to drop in without booking very responsive and friendly service with detailed explaination. I can feel the difference immediately while driving under the hot sun. Good service and ready to answer all queries and concerned..👍👍💪💪 – Agus Mahfoz
Very professional and will treat your like their’s, notice they put guard on the door to prevent it hitting against the wall. Speed and precision at its best. Definitely recommend to any guys who wants to do their film there. – Calvin Low
The customer service by infratint is of top grade. Well explained on the product and advise given by Sherman. And good workmanship by the team. The car is much more cooler then before. Only regret is didn’t went to Sherman earlier. Endure the heat for so long. – Ng Kok Leong
They go in-depth to explain each of their films and the customer service they provided was superb – Jason Chong guowei
Went on 18 Jan 2020 Saturday morning to do up the film. Infratint Staff were friendly and explained the various film to me in details. They also explained which are the film that I should use that could comply with LTA regulation as my stock Honda has black window, i could not use certain film.
About 3 people were working on my car and it was quite efficient and fast. Took them about 2 hours plus to settle. So far no bubbles or any issue after installation. Very happy about it. Heat was cut down to some extend way better than what my PI has installed for me.
Keep up the excellent work ^^ Happy Chinese New Year to all of you! – Cheah Seng Kai
Before you purchase they will make sure all details are made known to you and no hard selling at all. It’s all logical selling at your own comfort. Level of details and explanation is excellent. Staff were been helpful and they will try to meet your request whenever they can. Warranty is digitalis and you won’t need to keep a copy of the receipt. In a layman way of saying, your car is in good hands. – AP
Sent my brand new skoda kodiaq for tinting. It was a busy day. Regardless, the staff was patient at explaining the different ranges of products.
I signed up for the Platinum99. Tinting was done efficiently and professionally. I was updated along the way of the estimated time of completion.
My compliments to Sherman for the prompt replies on whatsapp. He was accommodating despite me arriving an hour late due to last minute errants I had to fulfill.
Been parking my suv outdoors for hours these last few days with temperatures rising to 34-35C in the mid afternoons. The difference (compared to my previous car with oem solar films) was night and day! It was warm sure, but not “oven unbearable” levels like the previous.
I will certainly be recommending Sherman and his crew to my friends and colleagues. 👍 – Ethan He
Brought my brand new X3. Great service and explanation on the different tints available. Installation was done perfectly and fast! Kenneth
Went to tint front screen of my X1 today. Very professional staff and boss, Sherman. The film really works & it helps to shield the rays. Provided welcomed relief for my face & arms. I find the film costly but was made to understand those were quality films. Contemplating replacing films for the rest of the windows.. – Caelyn Lim
The Infratint team was amazing. Sherman answered all my questions before I decided to go with Infratint. They have a range of films to meet different needs and budgets. They completed the job quickly while I waited. A few, little water bubbles were visible for a day or two, but they disappeared after a few days (and that is normal). Several weeks later, not a single issue with my films. Great product and team! I recommend highly and would absolutely go back again! – Patrick Laffey
Awesome workmanship from Sherman & Team. No hard selling or pushing packages which I very much prefer. Films are well installed and do really reduce the amount of heat in my car.
– Abby Lim (SGCarMart Review)
Solar film upgrade is a Must For Me, whenever I change my ride. Proceed with Infratint and was happy with their service and installation work. Opt for their best package as the price is very reasonable as the person in charge explained to me the difference and etc.
– Robitussin (SGCarMart Review)
Done up the window films with Infratint. There are few packages with different IRR and specs. Opt the one proposed and installation was done within few hours.
No bubbles spotted after few days. However, I do follow strictly to their advice on how winding down of windows for 1 day.
Experience cooler and less hot when driving. Overall happy with my purchase and the service experience.
– Ladder-ane (SGCarMart Review)
Ordered a new car from C&C.
It came with Huper Optik film. Front is only 30 IRR (infra-red rejection), and rear 60 IRR. And they don’t give discount if I don’t want it. They also don’t allow top-up to upgrade. So lan lan install and try. I saw a 5mm bubble in my windcreen, but did not even bother to complain cos the heat shielding is really cannot make it, so went to Infratint.
The installer at infratint told me that if the IRR is below 50, its not good enough. So I took the 80 IRR one for the front 3 glass panels. For the rear, I saved money and did not change.
While they did my car, I went to the building kopitiam. 45mins and a cup of tea later, it was done!
My dust, no bubbles, cos they did the installation in enclosed area. And most importantly, now my car cools down very fast after moving off. When comparing against the 30 IRR Huper Optik, the difference is vast.
~ Bell Boy (SGCarMart Review)
Installing new set of window films is a common habit for most SG car owners. Surf online and saw quite a lot of good reviews for this window film company. Called and arrange an session to have the films installed.
Nice and friendly boss to chat with. Overall happy with the work done on my car. 2 bubbles spotted on the day itself, but went out days later. Good job!
~ Rjk80n (SGCarMart Review)
A pleasant experience there to have my car tinted from the blazing sun. No hardcore selling of their product. Catered to my budget and needs. Product was of good make and quality and have lasted for a few years already now. Comes with warranty although there wasn’t any need for it since their product and workmanship is professionally handled. Time taken to install was reasonable although i must comment that i went over without any prior appointment yet they still welcome me and squeeze in the little time they have for me. Thumbs up!
~ Zekexone (SGCarMart Review)
Called Infratint to ask for a quotation for my car. Was given the detailed explanation on the rejection. Booked an appt and went over. Have a quick chat with the person in charge. Overall feeling is good with friendly staff and very clean place.
Tested the films by parking under direct sun.. Upon entering, I feel that less heat is being trapped as compared to before installation. But 100% Heat free.. But can feel the great reduction. Happy with what I got.
– BrianT (SGCarMart Review)
I did my tinting for Subaru Forester yesterday. I called before drop in there. They are very fast and responsive. Ask me to come in and they have available slots to do it.
Once I reach there, gave me an clear explanation on different types of films and its IR & UV readings. Also removed my old film and checked out, it can protect only 20% IR. Where my new tints showing 99%.
Told me to bring back the car if found any issues with next 3 intervals, which is 1 week, 3 month and 6 month. That is great.
Boss is very friendly and staffs also. For sure recommend for my friends.
Great work, keep going.
smartarrows81 (SGCarMart Review)
Have done up 4 cars with Infratint for the past 5 years since the previous outlet at TradeHub 21.
Sherman has been consistent in his customer service and even after-sales service.
A chatty Merchant who never put on airs.
Just done up the basic film package with him today on my Dad’s car; And price package remains competitive.
Peace of mind and assurance that the film quality and workmanship will be well taken care of.
Highly recommended to all car owners who need new solar films!!!
Mr_biscuit (SGCarMart Review)
Have installed my solar film with infratint! Overall very satisfied with their service and the solar films installed. Greatly reduce the heat goes into my car. Great job!
Benlee (SGCarMart Review)
Change a new ride and do some researching on some solar films packages package in the market. Made my mind up and contacted Infratint to arrange for the installation.
Everything seems to be a SOP upon reaching there. The staff share with me the type of films and their respective IRR and UV rejections. Observe their installation process and personally I do feel that they really put in their “Heart” In installing the solar films.
Every step of the process was done meticulously. Keep up the good job, Infratint!
Lightsabre (SGCarMart Review)
Done both my previous and current car with them. Cheap and affordable pricing with good workmanship ! Will definitely do my next car with them!
Dilemma (SGCarMart Review)